Insulation Boards

High-Quality Insulation Boards
For the Raleigh & Jacksonville, NC Area

Insulation boards are solid boards made from a variety of materials. They are designed to conserve heat or block sound transmission within a building. Insulation boards offer an affordable alternative to fiberglass insulation, one that is designed for higher R-values without much thickness. While insulation boards are still relatively new to the commercial market, they have been growing ever more popular as they have been shown to increase energy efficiency in residential homes by up to 70%. You can use insulation boards in many different parts of a building, including basements and slab foundations, interior and exterior walls, and beneath heated flooring systems.

Our commercial insulation supplier has helped set up countless businesses throughout Raleigh, Jacksonville, and the surrounding North Carolina areas with top-quality insulation boards. Our boards are irritant-free and simple to install; when installed correctly, they can last up to 100 years.

How and When to Use Insulation Boards

Insulation boards are easy to cut with a masonry blade or score with a utility knife. Just like drywall, after a cut is made, insulation boards can be easily snapped. To attach the insulation boards, you can use screws with large washers or a special adhesive made specifically for insulation boards. If you are working with smaller pieces, you can simply seal them with caulk or spray foam.

One major benefit of insulation boards is their resistance to moisture. Because of this, they are great to use when there is even a slight chance they could get wet. For example, if you need insulation for your exterior foundation, basement, or beneath a house wrap, insulation boards are an excellent option. They can be more expensive than traditional batt insulation, but the money you will save from preventing water damage makes choosing insulation boards a wise investment.

If you would like to purchase insulation boards in the Raleigh or Jacksonville, NC areas, trust the professionals at Boatwright Distribution & Supply Inc.

Preparing Your Space for Insulation Boards

If you are planning on installing insulation boards in your property, it’s important to make sure that you’ve effectively prepared. By taking the time to properly get ready, you can help our team work as smoothly and efficiently as possible. This helps us ensure that the installation is completed properly and optimize your insulation boards for long-term effectiveness. Here are some key ways to prepare your property for insulation board installation:

  • Clear the Area: Before installation, you’ll want to clear the area where the insulation boards will be installed. Remove any furniture, equipment, art, or other items that might obstruct access to the walls or surfaces. This will help us get to work immediately and reduce the risk of damage.
  • Repair Any Damages: Inspect the space for any damaged spots, such as cracks, holes, or leaks. Patch up any holes, seal cracks, and fix any water leaks or moisture issues. Making sure that these issues are resolved before your insulation boards are installed will keep your system airtight and reduce the risk of further issues.
  • Check Ventilation: It’s important to optimize your space’s ventilation to maintain healthy airflow and prevent moisture buildup, which can damage your insulation. Check and clear your area’s vents, fans, and exhaust systems before installing insulation boards.
  • Seal Air Leaks: Insulation boards work best when there are as few air leaks in your property as possible. Inspect all windows, doors, electrical outlets, and any other potential “breaks” in your property where air might escape. Seal any gaps or cracks with weather-stripping, caulk, or foam sealants to make your space weathertight.
  • Communicate: Before the installation process begins, we’ll discuss the project with you in depth. This is your chance to discuss your vision, specific requirements, and any questions you might have. We’ll make sure you know what to expect and give you an idea of any safety precautions or practical actions you’ll need to take before the project begins. This keeps everyone on the same page and ensures that the project will proceed smoothly.

By following these steps, you can effectively prepare your property for insulation board installation. If you have any questions about the process, reach out to Boatwright Distribution & Supply Inc. for more information! We have worked with property owners throughout the greater Raleigh, NC region. 

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Insulation Boards!

Boatwright Distribution Supply Inc. is the trusted supplier of top-quality insulation boards for properties across Raleigh, Fayetteville, Jacksonville, and the surrounding areas. Our trained and experienced professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the duration of the project so you know exactly what to expect. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and high-quality products that you can trust to stand the test of time. When we're done installing your new insulation boards, you'll feel total confidence that the job was done properly. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation!

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